Accomplishing your goals takes hard work, dedication, and commitment. Often times it occupies the majority of your time, especially if you’re following your dream. Of course you don’t want to but you have to set people aside and even cut people off if they don’t agree with what you’re trying to accomplish because they will only try to prohibit you from forward movement. Everything you have goes into this dream because you refuse to fail. All of your time, energy, and focus is on whatever it is you’re aspiring to do. Downtime? Yeah right! Time with your friends? That has to wait. Extracurricular activities consist of devising a plan to succeed. If you’re serious you work around the clock to achieve your dreams. And if you’re anything like me then your thought process is that you’re going to enjoy reaping the benefits of all of your hard work. There are people who don’t understand this concept and feel as though they should be put first and my question is what do you want from me? What do you think I can do for you right now? I’m focusing on what’s important in my life and if you aren’t on board then you gets none of this focus so please know that it’s time to throw your deuces up!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
It's Art People
It’s Art People
The world is our canvas so stop hating on the next mans painting and start painting your own. Paintings, photographs, instruments, drawings, writing, dance, martial arts They’re all obvious art forms. But what about hair? Make-up? Fashion? This too is art.
It is a form of self expression. It takes knowledge and skill to achieve a look that no one else has thought of yet.
Art- any system of rules and traditional methods for the practice of a craft, trade or profession: the application of knowledge and skill (2) works designed to give intellectual pleasure as, music, sculpture, and esp. pictorial representation (3) skillful workmanship.
Artists- a performer in an art of entertainment
Are you not entertained? Of course you are because if you weren’t you would no longer pay attention. Why is it that people always hate on one another? When a new artists comes out people always expect them to fail or for them to be wack. Why? It isn’t as hard to support someone as it is to hate. It’s so much less effort in supporting others successes or keeping your mouth shut. The world is our canvas. Take advantage of it. Whether you cover it with words, music, fabric or colors make it yours. And when you see the next mans canvas don’t hate because you wont have to.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Inner Workings of the Artistic Mind (Writer's Edition)
Inner Workings Of the Artistic Mind
Many people have asked me to describe the inner workings of the artistic mind. I can’t speak for anyone else but I’m all over the place all of the time. I think that most people who like to write like to talk as well. I could be wrong but I don’t think I am. I’m different from them in that I don’t talk much. People ask me why and my answer is simple. I don’t like the idea of wasting words. Also I am very observant and I think a lot. Not only do I write because it’s what I love to do but I also write so that I can continue thinking without forgetting my thoughts. This helps so that they aren’t competing for my attention. There are times when I have a sound mind allowing me to appreciate my surroundings and time. I love times like this because it allows me to prepare for what’s to come next. It allows me to stop worrying if the time will come that this is no longer fun for me. It’s a time to let my pen run freely. Times like that only come on two occasions. It comes as the quiet before the storm or after the chaos has already come and gone. Sometimes my mind works so fast that I can only hope to keep up with it. It frustrates me when it happens sometimes because when it happens it’s at the most inopportune time. Like when I just think of something that I know is going to be amazing when I’m done. I forget what may come next because I’m trying to keep up with myself. My thoughts are rude to one another often interrupting one another fighting to keep my attention and to get their points across.
As is stated before I can’t really explain the inner workings of the artistic mind because the result that comes from the thoughts should be enough.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
She Can't Strut In My Pumps
She's tall and thin with long pretty hair
and her head is full of nothing but air
She can't strut in my pumps.
She has a gorgeous smile and a real nice smile
and she does exercise... her mouth
running it for miles and miles
She can't strut in my pumps.
She has fair skin and captivating eyes
ones so transparent
you can see past her innocent disguise
She can't strut in my pumps
She has an embrace that gives you a taste of comfort
and a kiss that gives you butterflies
and when she speaks she gives incite
She can't strut in my pumps.
I'm short, petit, and I have a look that I own
I attract you with my benevolence and
Intrigue you with my intelligence.
She can't strut in my pumps.
Whether I'm in sneakers or stilettos
you cant take your eyes off of me
and you can look into my eyes to get a story.
She can't strut in my pumps
The natural hollow on each side of my face
form when I smile and it drives you wild.
And you can't function properly without my witty style.
She cant' strut in my pumps.
When we hold hands a warmth runs through your soul
and when we part you clench your fist to keep the feeling
of my hand in your hold
She can't strut in my pumps.
You like my devotion to my craft and the authenticity that I embody
Capturing your attention, making you want to know more of me.
She can't strut in my pumps.
I have an embrace that is the epitome of ease
and a kiss that makes you weak in the knees.
Aren't these the things that you want?
If so
She most definitely can't strut in my pumps.
Friday, July 16, 2010
If You Don't Have Time...Don't Get In A Relationship
If You Don't Have Time... Don't Do It!
If you don't talk to her she'll find someone who will tell her she's gorgeous every day and stimulate her mind in unpredictable ways.
If you don't spend time with her she'll get her attention from elsewhere. From someone who's interested because you don't seem to care. You aren't there
If you don't take her on dates someone else will show her a good time. And show her what they have to offer as a mate.
If you don't want to share with her she won't share with you. Too afraid to do for you the things, for her, you do not do.
But gentlemen you already knew this. You know the rules of the game. They will always be around and they will always be the same....
Sorry I've been interrupted by a disturbing phone call on this very topic. What a coincidence. People before you get into relationships you need to know what you're looking for. Why are you with someone that you always complain about. If you can't think of anything good about the person you're with or about your relationship then YOU DON'T NEED TO BE IN IT! Duh! That makes you free to do whatever and whom ever you want to without disrespecting anyone. Also you aren't making any situations worse and any upset parties will get over their temporary anguish.
OOOOOKKKKK LADIES let's be clear. THAT DOES NOT TAKE YOU OFF THE HOOK SO YOU MIGHT AS WELL CLIMB RIGHT BACK BACK ON!!! You commit the same selfish offenses. And if you don't then you are the reason that your man would rather be doing something or someone else. Why did you stop living your separate life for him? He didn't do it for you? Why did you stop hanging with your girls? Did he stop hanging with his boys? And why are you expecting him to take care of you? Can he take care of himself? And on top of that did he ask you to do any of these things? Uh No! You want to know why? The answer is simple. No man wants a woman with no business. If you had some when he met you then you need to keep it while you're together. If you're always together then what do you have to talk about? And finally LADIES AND GENTLEMEN it is extremely unfair to hold anyone completely responsible for your happiness. You were happy before you met so continue with it. Don't put all of the weight on the shoulders of your significant others because no one wants that type of responsibility. We barely know what makes us happy at times and you want them to make you happy all of the time? uh no!
A Taste of Perfection
A Taste of Perfection
I am mesmerized by the architectural perfection of a being who sits next to me.
He's tantalizing
He's mesmerizing
I adore him
For now
in my mind
He's mine.
I am amazed by the structure of his being
I would love to explore further
the sights that I'm seeing.
My senses run wild
at the thought of what you could expose them to
and my mouth can't stop watering
from imagining you
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Starting is the hard part...
Just a thought
Starting is the Hard Part
To conquer your dreams you must follow them. Sometimes that means setting some things and even some people aside. Sometimes it's not hard because it may not be that important to us and can easily be left behind. Other times it's not that simple and that's when following your dreams become difficult. A lot of people don't understand but there's a few who do understand that this is something you have to do for you. Those who don't understand will try to hold you back but they don't mean you any harm so don't bite back. They just want to protect you from all of the people with the same dream as yours and any rejection and slammed doors. The ones who do understand that there is a MASTER plan will encourage you to go forth and offer you a hand. When we leave them we expect for them to be there upon our return, sometimes forgetting that they have their own lives to live and their own lessons to learn. Now your journey has begun but you no longer see the light from the sun. You have yet to earn it. Getting deeper and deeper into your craft you must really learn it. Study the best of the best and then hope your work isn't collecting dust on someone's desk. Prepare to be told no and to have doors slammed in your face. Also for loyal fans and knowing you're still in the race. Everything you want to happen will occur at once but only i slow motion so you can experience your life right instead of sailing by as if you were on the ocean. It'll give you time to make every small thing a significant memory ad the opportunity to be just who you are so that everyone knows near and far.
Starting is the Hard Part
To conquer your dreams you must follow them. Sometimes that means setting some things and even some people aside. Sometimes it's not hard because it may not be that important to us and can easily be left behind. Other times it's not that simple and that's when following your dreams become difficult. A lot of people don't understand but there's a few who do understand that this is something you have to do for you. Those who don't understand will try to hold you back but they don't mean you any harm so don't bite back. They just want to protect you from all of the people with the same dream as yours and any rejection and slammed doors. The ones who do understand that there is a MASTER plan will encourage you to go forth and offer you a hand. When we leave them we expect for them to be there upon our return, sometimes forgetting that they have their own lives to live and their own lessons to learn. Now your journey has begun but you no longer see the light from the sun. You have yet to earn it. Getting deeper and deeper into your craft you must really learn it. Study the best of the best and then hope your work isn't collecting dust on someone's desk. Prepare to be told no and to have doors slammed in your face. Also for loyal fans and knowing you're still in the race. Everything you want to happen will occur at once but only i slow motion so you can experience your life right instead of sailing by as if you were on the ocean. It'll give you time to make every small thing a significant memory ad the opportunity to be just who you are so that everyone knows near and far.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
So This is What IT Feels Like
This is something I started the other day. I haven't finished it yet but this is what I have so far. Please don't be afraid to tell me what you think.
So This is what IT Feels Like
Every time I see you I get butterflies.
And I can't do anything else but stare into your eyes.
I smile then turn as you notice me blushing
And my heart drops to my stomach
and my hormones begin rushing.
We are then surrounded by a glow
One that takes us
to a place that only we know.
Back to our past
As we wish we were one again
Back to a time where
things were more simple then.
I'm always nervous at first then you do something that reminds me
That you're still you.
And in essence
That's who you'll remain
through and through.
I fall into your sanctuary of comfort and joy
finding it hard not to accept
the very love that i was trying to avoid.
Offering me what seems like the world in my hands
makes me feel like I'm in a middle of a fairytale
or a novel filled with sweet romance.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Snippet of my work1
This is just a little something I'm working on. Let me know what you think so far please. It's just a few parts of a poem that's been in the works for a while now.
... my heart races against time and butterflies, they fill my insides. I go deaf but i can hear the language of your body almost allowing it to serenade me into a daydream...
... as you look into my eyes they are telling you my thoughts and displaying my desires, preventing us from denying this inextinguishable fire
.... pulling me in closer to inject me with the kiss of the eclipse as the sun and moon slow dance, displaying an undeniably sweet romance...
... my heart races against time and butterflies, they fill my insides. I go deaf but i can hear the language of your body almost allowing it to serenade me into a daydream...
... as you look into my eyes they are telling you my thoughts and displaying my desires, preventing us from denying this inextinguishable fire
.... pulling me in closer to inject me with the kiss of the eclipse as the sun and moon slow dance, displaying an undeniably sweet romance...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
I hear a lot of people saying that their imagination sucks. I say that your imagination is where your dreams are held. I question if they have dreams and they suck (which isn't at all possible because no dreams suck), or is it that they don't have any dreams at all. For me my imagination is everything. It takes me forth to the things that I wish to accomplish. If you don't have an imagination or dreams then you're just living life. Allowing life to happen whether it be in a way that you like it or not. As for me, I have been given free will for a reason. Yes there is an inevitable end result for me but the way I choose to get there is by taking the course into my own hands and reaping the benefits thereof instead of settling for less and still achieving my dreams. Wow I just thought of something else. Why would one have to use their imagination if they don't want anything, or if they don't want anything more. My imagination is so big because i want to leave an undeniably unforgettable Poetic Relief Legacy.
Monday, January 11, 2010
What becomes of harmless childhood games
Remember the age old game of cat and mouse. We started out watching it on television. Then we started school and at recess we would chase or be chased or catch or be caught. Yes just a harmless child's game that we played just to have some fun. Just like red light green light, tag and hide and seek. But what we don't realize is that the games we played we still play today. We just play a grown up version now because we have learned what we needed from the previous forms of the game and now we play them and don't acknowledge the name. When we break up only to make up we're only playing tag. Dance contest, don't act like you didn't participate, was practice for the club lol. We learned early what happens when you move on a red light but we call them tickets now. It's funny how growing up we practice playing the game of life until we are actually old enough to live it on our own. The only problem is that with all of the practice and getting life right some of us still can't grasp life and for those of us who can...we live
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Don't Ruin It, It was going so well
I understand that people spend time with their significant others early in the day so that they can do what the hell they want to do at night or whenever it is they want to do with the rest of their day. What I don't understand is why must there be an indicator that that's what this shindig is all about? Don't leave clues or hint that you have plans for later because you don't realize that the perfect day you created is now turning sour because you've made him/her feel some kind of way. Sometimes like they were someone to keep you busy until the "real" action happens. Word to the wise...DON'T RUIN IT!!! Let the day go as wonderfully as you intended on it being and when you're ready to go out without him/her later there will be no problems because everyone will have been satisfied. I don't know why so many people have this issue when we should know by now, after all we are adults here, that some things are better left unsaid so keep it moving and again people DON'T RUIN IT!!!
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