Monday, October 18, 2010

It's Art People

It’s Art People

The world is our canvas so stop hating on the next mans painting and start painting your own. Paintings, photographs, instruments, drawings, writing, dance, martial arts They’re all obvious art forms. But what about hair? Make-up? Fashion? This too is art.
It is a form of self expression. It takes knowledge and skill to achieve a look that no one else has thought of yet.

Art- any system of rules and traditional methods for the practice of a craft, trade or profession: the application of knowledge and skill (2) works designed to give intellectual pleasure as, music, sculpture, and esp. pictorial representation (3) skillful workmanship.
Artists- a performer in an art of entertainment

Are you not entertained? Of course you are because if you weren’t you would no longer pay attention. Why is it that people always hate on one another? When a new artists comes out people always expect them to fail or for them to be wack. Why? It isn’t as hard to support someone as it is to hate. It’s so much less effort in supporting others successes or keeping your mouth shut. The world is our canvas. Take advantage of it. Whether you cover it with words, music, fabric or colors make it yours. And when you see the next mans canvas don’t hate because you wont have to.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Inner Workings of the Artistic Mind (Writer's Edition)

Inner Workings Of the Artistic Mind

Many people have asked me to describe the inner workings of the artistic mind. I can’t speak for anyone else but I’m all over the place all of the time. I think that most people who like to write like to talk as well. I could be wrong but I don’t think I am. I’m different from them in that I don’t talk much. People ask me why and my answer is simple.  I don’t like the idea of wasting words.  Also I am very observant and I think a lot. Not only do I write because it’s what I love to do but I also write so that I can continue thinking without forgetting my thoughts. This helps so that they aren’t competing for my attention. There are times when I have a sound mind allowing me to appreciate my surroundings and time. I love times like this because it allows me to prepare for what’s to come next. It allows me to stop worrying if the time will come that this is no longer fun for me. It’s a time to let my pen run freely. Times like that only come on two occasions. It comes as the quiet before the storm or after the chaos has already come and gone. Sometimes my mind works so fast that I can only hope to keep up with it. It frustrates me when it happens sometimes because when it happens it’s at the most inopportune time. Like when I just think of something that I know is going to be amazing when I’m done. I forget what may come next because I’m trying to keep up with myself. My thoughts are rude to one another often interrupting one another fighting to keep my attention and to get their points across.
As is stated before I can’t really explain the inner workings of the artistic mind because the result that comes from the thoughts should be enough.