Sunday, July 24, 2011
Who Is In Control Of Your Life?
I've been asked the question Who are you? I attempted to answer the question several times and each time I was told that I was answering the question the wrong way. Of course I answered with my name the first time and was told that I wasn't being asked my name. I then gave characteristics of myself and of course that's not what they wanted either. They didn't want to know who my parents are, they weren't asking how I made money/what I do for a living. It seemed like they really didn't want to know anything at all. I thought it was a trick question so I asked, "Is this a trick question?" Of course I was told no. The question was who are you? After thinking long and hard and becoming frustrated I finally just said Poetic Relief and walked away. The funny thing is that they had no idea what I was talking about. They knew it meant something to me but they weren't really sure what it meant. They came after me and at that moment I knew that I possibly answered the question properly but I was so frustrated (which at the time I was mistaking my passion for frustration) that I no longer wanted to talk. I was among people who knew who they were. I thought I knew who I was and it was not easy for me to be told and embrace that I didn't really know who I was. I was young but I knew me better than anyone. The problem was that yes I knew who I was but I wasn't in charge of my life enough to know it. So I pose a question to you. I don't want to know who you are because that's a hard question to answer and a hard pill to swallow when you don't know how to answer it. What I would like to ask is who is in charge of your life? Well of course for most of us we work for about 8 or so hours out of the day, we answer to someone. Does that mean for that period of time we are not in control? No, I don't think that's the case. At least not for some of us. We generally use that job to fund our lives and make of it what we want. This still makes us in charge of our lives. It still means that life is what you make it. If you live a life that is not befitting of you then 9 times out of 10 its because you made it that way. And no I'm not talking about the hungry children around the world or anyone else who truly is unable to run their own lives, I'm talking about those of us who are fully capable of making decisions. Those of us who can no longer make the excuse that we don't know how or we can't. Again I ask Who is in control of your life?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Language is Just a word!
With their being so many other ways to communicate than through talking I am forced to believe that language is just a word. Listen carefully when one speaks their native tongue and pretty soon it all just makes sense and you don’t even know the language. Listening to it long enough one may even believe that it’s beginning to sound like English. No. That’s not what it is. The truth is that you allowed your mind to expand further than you intended for it to, You exposed a taste of your true intelligence to yourself and maybe even others. There are other ways of communicating. Body language, facial expression, tone and other universal “languages”. Personally I am shy but secretly obsessed with the art of communication. It started back in Middle School. This Hispanic kid came into my class and sat next to me and didn’t speak a lick of English. The only thing I knew in Spanish was how to ask him his name which turned out to be rather helpful. Anyway after telling me his name he decided to talk to me during our free time at the end of class. I had no idea what he was saying but I listened anyway knowing I had to eventually tell him I didn’t speak Spanish. The funny thing about it was I actually started understanding him after realizing that he spoke with his hands and was interactive. I was even able to answer him and help him understand in English. It probably didn’t help him much because it wasn’t an English lesson just a communicating experience. Have you ever danced with someone you don’t know. I mean really dance with them. Not bumping and grinding at the go-go’s or parties. Although you’re communicating with that kind of dance too I wish not to focus on the that topic because I can go all day long on the pro’s and con’s of that. Anyhow back to the matter at hand. Dancing. Take some time out and dance with your partner and think about what you took from it. The communication there is powerful as one allows the other to lead but not falling behind. Have you ever just sat in a room with someone and were completely silent but had a whole conversation because you understood each other beyond intimacy. I can only believe that language is only a word. It’s only a word because there are never enough of them in any language to express one’s feelings as we vigorously attempt to hoping we succeed making up new words for how things seem. Language is just a word
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Test yourself before He does (lol)
Sometimes we're tested in the most harsh ways. What do you do? Recently I've been being tested in what I would call extreme ways. I have been so close to reaching my goals only to seemingly have them stretched further away. Obstacles showed up from nowhere and time was not at all on my time with deadlines to be met. This went on for about two weeks. I didn't know what to do. Of course with help from a great person I got through it but it wasn't easy at all. All I could do the whole time was pray and cry, or as I like to call it, send up liquid prayers. In the end everything turned out to be better than I could have ever imagined. I truly believe that the greater the test, the greater the reward. God definitely smiled upon me this week, after reminding me of some very important, possibly forgotten things, among those being that He will not give you more than you can handle. Remember your strength. often forget their strength. They forget that they can handle a lot more than they're used to. You have to challenge yourself to get to the next step. Yes send your prayers up but you have to help him help you because if you don't your tests become greater and greater. Especially if you expect Him to do it all on His own. Yes, lessons will be learned but the reward will be well worth it.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Be Careful...
Have you ever been in a relationship where you started off strong? I mean you started of at a really high point in your relationship and you felt that you would float on forever more together. It sounds good and I'm sure it felt amazing in the moment but, in actuality if you don't allow your relationship to grow to new heights, instead of jumping head first into something in the heat of the moment, then you're either settling in your situation or you're wondering how in the hell you ended up where you are now. Probably trying to figure out how to get rid of him/her. What should have been a short whirlwind romance, or even a one night stand, has turned into something that you saw coming from the very beginning. The only problem is that it isn't what you want. The love has faded for at least one of you and comfort has taken its place settling in quite nicely. As long as he/she doesn't ask you how you feel everything will be fine because neither of you will lie. Chances are, neither of you will ask the other that question anyway. How did you get to this point and how did you get too comfortable to leave an unhappy situation. Chances are that it would have been better for the both of you anyway. Fellas it is not okay to turn the girl that you only should have screwed into your woman. It just gives you an extra headache. Ladies don't be upset at that comment it's true. Even for us. Don't turn the guy that you only should have slept with into your man because it gives you extra work and headaches which we don't need. Better yet stop putting yourself into these I didn't mean to fall in love we were only supposed to sleep together situations. The last time I should have only slept with a man has never been a situation in my life. There was a time when I met a guy while in an uncomfortable situation with my friend. I wondered off with him and we rode around and talked well into the next day. We said goodnight when the sun came up as he dropped me off at my door and we parted ways. Where most people would have turned that into a story ending with sexual satisfaction we didn't. We both simply needed something that we didn't have. He needed somebody to talk to who had an unbiased opinion. I needed someone to talk to me. Someone who needed my opinion. As we provided one another with such pleasure the real intimacy came from the intention. No intention on ever speaking again we got exactly what we wanted. What started out as an extremely disturbing situation turned out to be quite a night. Be careful who you let into your life but be more careful of who you allow to remain in your life. Don't put yourselves in situations that you can't get yourselves out of without adversely affecting yourself or others
Monday, January 10, 2011
When you were a child did you ever think about what things would be like when you grew up? I saw anything and everything to be possible no matter how ridiculously far fetched it sounded to those older than I was.When I was a child I thought a lot about what it would be like to be and adult. I used to think
When I grow up to be big me
Imma explore the world
and all of it's possibilities.
I'll be flying to England to have lunch with the Queen
I'll conquer my dreams
and vacation on the sea.
To you these may sound like the immature thoughts of a child. Dreams that could never come true because they'll forget about it and never follow through. I guess the belief that nothing is impossible for me to achieve is just one that has followed me throughout my life. Because of this I have been able to actually accomplish some of my big idea dreams. And it helps me to strive to take my big ideas a step further. I'm big me now so it's time that I do big things.
When I grow up to be big me
Imma explore the world
and all of it's possibilities.
I'll be flying to England to have lunch with the Queen
I'll conquer my dreams
and vacation on the sea.
To you these may sound like the immature thoughts of a child. Dreams that could never come true because they'll forget about it and never follow through. I guess the belief that nothing is impossible for me to achieve is just one that has followed me throughout my life. Because of this I have been able to actually accomplish some of my big idea dreams. And it helps me to strive to take my big ideas a step further. I'm big me now so it's time that I do big things.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Are your priorities in order?
What is the point of a new years resolution? Why make a promise to yourself that you don't intend to keep? If you ever really kept your new years resolution then good for you. I know that you feel a sense of accomplishment when the new year comes because you want to take it a step or two further for the next year and you are looking forward to it without a doubt. The way I see it is, if you intend on keeping a promise to yourself then you never really have to make the promise. its just the matter of whether or not you're going to accomplish your goals. Everyone is always anxious to reveal their new years resolution but if they intended on keeping their promises to themselves they wouldn't reveal them until they were completed because if everyone knows what you're up to then the harder it is going to be to not get distracted. If you really want to do something different or try something new then start small. Especially if you're going to vocalize it. You wouldn't want anyone to think you were incapable of accomplishing minor goals. Some people are so worried about what their "neighbor" is doing that they aren't doing anything themselves. A Nise man once said If it's not about making money then what is it all for? he said "If It's not about making money then I'm not doing it". That should be your motto for 2011. You aren't being paid to hate on the next person so go do something that's going to make you money. Are your priorities in order?
Long Distance Relationships
When you think of long distance relationships plenty of questions come to mind. How young is too young to be in a long distance relationships? Does absence make the heart grow fonder or is it out of sight out of mind? How do you make it work and what do you expect to come of it? All of these questions and more come to mind when thinking on the subject. When thinking of having a long distance relationship most people turn their noses up to the idea. Automatically the thought is that having a relationship is hard enough when you see one another on the regular basis so it's out of the question to have one with a person that you can't see. Phone calls just aren't enough. But there are other ways of looking at it I think. There are other factors in the relationship that keep you together and I'm sure no one would go through a relationship without some sort of communication/visitation plans especially with the technology that we have now. It's not as hard as it once was I'm sure. We have several different instant messaging tools, phones have advanced and of course there's Skype. If you want to see one another then you're a car/plane/bus/train ride away so if it's real and you hope that something will come of it then all hope really isn't lost. There are a scarce amount of relationships that start out with long distance status. And if they do then most of the time it's a teenage romance that is very short lived (much like my own short lived long distance romance as a teenager). My view is that love is what it is and you can only control it to a certain extent. I understand how they come about and that sometimes they work out but the question I want the answer to How does it work out? I'm sure everyone has their secret to success!!!
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