Monday, November 29, 2010

What Do You Want From Me

Accomplishing your goals takes hard work, dedication, and commitment. Often times it occupies the majority of your time, especially if you’re following your dream. Of course you don’t want to but you have to set people aside and even cut people off if they don’t agree with what you’re trying to accomplish because they will only try to prohibit you from forward movement. Everything you have goes into this dream because you refuse to fail. All of your time, energy, and focus is on whatever it is you’re aspiring to do. Downtime? Yeah right! Time with your friends? That has to wait. Extracurricular activities consist of devising a plan to succeed. If you’re serious you work around the clock to achieve your dreams. And if you’re anything like me then your thought process is that you’re going to enjoy reaping the benefits of all of your hard work. There are people who don’t understand this concept and feel as though they should be put first and my question is what do you want from me? What do you think I can do for you right now? I’m focusing on what’s important in my life and if you aren’t on board then you gets none of this focus so please know that it’s time to throw your deuces up!