Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Language is Just a word!

With their being so many other ways to communicate than through talking I am forced to believe that language is just a word. Listen carefully when one speaks their native tongue and pretty soon it all just makes sense and you don’t even know the language. Listening to it long enough one may even believe that it’s beginning to sound like English. No. That’s not what it is. The truth is that you allowed your mind to expand further than you intended for it to, You exposed a taste of your true intelligence to yourself and maybe even others. There are other ways of communicating. Body language, facial expression, tone and other universal “languages”. Personally I am shy but secretly obsessed with the art of communication. It started back in Middle School. This Hispanic kid came into my class and sat next to me and didn’t speak a lick of English. The only thing I knew in Spanish was how to ask him his name which turned out to be rather helpful. Anyway after telling me his name he decided to talk to me during our free time at the end of class. I had no idea what he was saying but I listened anyway knowing I had to eventually tell him I didn’t speak Spanish. The funny thing about it was I actually started understanding him after realizing that he spoke with his hands and was interactive. I was even able to answer him and help him understand in English. It probably didn’t help him much because it wasn’t an English lesson just a communicating experience. Have you ever danced with someone you don’t know. I mean really dance with them. Not bumping and grinding at the go-go’s or parties. Although you’re communicating with that kind of dance too I wish not to focus on the that topic because I can go all day long on the pro’s and con’s of that. Anyhow back to the matter at hand. Dancing. Take some time out and dance with your partner and think about what you took from it. The communication there is powerful as one allows the other to lead but not falling behind. Have you ever just sat in a room with someone and were completely silent but had a whole conversation because you understood each other beyond intimacy. I can only believe that language is only a word. It’s only a word because there are never enough of them in any language to express one’s feelings as we vigorously attempt to hoping we succeed making up new words for how things seem. Language is just a word

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